Freitag, 7. März 2014

Random 5 Friday


This week I celebrate the purple. I am totally enchanted and inspired by the color of crocuses in my garden.
They are very many become , the bulbs have multiplied over the summer and now light purple color spots everywhere .
Until Sunday I 'll show photos in purple color mood and I wear some purple clothes now...


I bought a macro lens 4x . So I can move closer with my camera and finally succeed me flowers photos.


Spring is in the air all over . At night it is cold, but the day warmed up already the sun. The best time for me is the dawn. When I open the window in the morning, I hear countless voices of birds from near and far . This song in the half darkness gives me a special feeling of the vastness of space . I call this the real stereo effect ...
Enjoy it very much.


Last friday I wrote about the death of blogger and made me thoughts about the traces, which left blogger .
In the evening, I found a text by Anais Nin about writing (again, what a coincidence! ).
I think it hits very well for me at blogging. Although I usually just tell in pictures, instead of writing ... but this is actually quite similar. Even with the images I create my own world. They are a reflection of reality , but my focus is only on what is beautiful and comfortable for me what enriches me and sometimes distraught and whatever I get so into my own world to me ....
A very expensive text to think , I have been looking for him in English and found.


As poetic part today the words of Anais Nin, from her diaries (1937 )

"Why one writes is a question I can never answer easily, having so often asked it of myself. I believe one writes because one has to create a world in which one can live. I could not live in any of the worlds offered to me – the world of my parents, the world of war, the world of politics. I had to create a world of my own, like a climate, a country, an atmosphere in which I could breathe, reign, and recreate myself when destroyed by living. That, I believe, is the reason for every work of art.
"We also write to heighten our own awareness of life. We write to lure and enchant and console others. We write to serenade our lovers. We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospection. We write, like Proust, to render all of it eternal, and to persuade ourselves that it is eternal. We write to be able to transcend our life, to reach beyond it. We write to teach ourselves to speak with others, to record the journey into the labyrinth. We write to expand our world when we feel strangled, or constricted, or lonely … When I don’t write, feel my world shrinking. I feel I am in prison. I feel I lose my fire and my color. It should be a necessity, as the sea needs to heave, and I call it breathing."

(for more purple pictures see here )

Have a lovely and colorful (purple) weekend all.

Written for Nancy's Random 5 Friday
 Shared with The Rosegarden in Malevik

10 Kommentare:

  1. Gorgeous photos - enjoy your new macro lens! And Ms Nin was a wise woman indeed - I love her writing!!
    A great Random 5 and I hope you have a great weekend :)

  2. I love purple too :) The crocuses are gorgeous! Thinking I need some of these in my yard next year. And your tea pot...♥

  3. Pretty purple crocuses. I anxiously await the arrival of ours here in the Northern United States.

  4. Your purple finds are stunning!

  5. Enjoyed your purple post. Lucky to have crocus coming up and your teapot is great! Anais Nin had it right -- lovely words. Enjoy the new lens.

  6. How fun to have a new macro lens Agnes! Looking forward to more photos up close. xo

  7. Lovely purple photos, one of my favourite colours!

  8. I love purple - one of my favorite colors!

  9. Liebe Mascha,
    Lila oder Violett ist so eine schöne Farbe, die zu unrecht vernachlässigt oder "verunglimpft" wird. Ich bin gaspannt auf Deine lila Gewänder und schließe mich Dir sogar an. Hab ich doch gestern im Sozialkaufhaus ein lila Lieblingsteil entdeckt. Die Krokusse und einem Garten sind wunderschön!
    Lieben Gruss von Sabine

  10. Your purples are beautiful. I'm sure you'll enjoy that new lens.


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